Peach Magic Box
- Dormant Fig
Fig trees can get a lot taller and wider than anticipated. Selective thinning can reduce height without pushing out vigorous growth.
- peachpruning1
New shoots arise near location where newly planted tree was cut back. (photo courtesy of Jim Kamas, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service)
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Primary scaffold branches cut back to force out shoots for secondary scaffolds (photo courtesy of Jim Kamas, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service)
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Secondary scaffolds pruned back and growth in center reduced to form open bowl. (photo courtesy of Jim Kamas, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service)
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Annually remove vigorous shoots growing towards center of open bowl. (photo courtesy of Jim Kamas, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service)
- peach orchard pruned
Properly trained trees showing results after winter pruning.